Saturday is gone and you now have one final day to put off Monday’s inevitable arrival. The only way to finish the weekend right is with Mimosa Sundays at the Old Town Tavern.
We’re not saying that this is the only way to spend your Sunday. We’re also not saying every Sunday should be spent sipping a mimosa (or three). But if that’s the direction your day is headed, you might as well start it out right.
Here are some great tips for the optimal Mimosa Sunday:
If possible, get some sleep on Saturday night.
Gather your favorite group of people.
Hydrate on a glass of water before you arrive.
Prepare yourselves for some adventure.
Remember to eat.
Last: Sip on our mimosas, laugh, and enjoy the OTT surroundings.
Every Sunday at the Old Town Tavern, enjoy an amazing mimosa for only $4.00.